June 21, 2011

Dora The Explorer

Dora is one of Elaine's favorite character beside Hello Kitty, Barney and Elmo. It's been a while to do 'carving' things, so it took me almost 1 hour to finish this. At first i really want to give up on it, but suddenly i imagine Elaine's face when she see her lunch, she must be smiling when she look at it. My imagination is right, she smiled when she saw this. ^o^ 


  1. Well done Yuli! :D
    Lucky that you didn't give up doing it half-way... This is motherly love :D

  2. ternyata food pick kayunya kalo dipake bagus nya'??? heehehehehe

  3. @ mlyn trinixm: Thank you, mlyn..your comment always give me encouragement to make a better bento next time. Thanks again. ^^

  4. @ Oen Priyanto: iya, mbak Uun.. ini bli disini, nemu di supermarket..sayang bentuknya cuman bulet doang, tp warnanya macem2..semoga kalo kesana lg dah ada bentuk laennya. hahaha... btw, br liat postingan bento tools dirimu..gileee... mupeng ama box dan isinyaaaaa.. hahaha..

  5. You're always welcome Yuli! ^.^
    I really enjoy looking at your nice, creative bento each time! :D
    I'm gonna start making mine soon again in 2weeks time when sch vacation ends! Hope I can make as nice as yours! Hee... :)
