February 10, 2011

Pucca Bento

Today i made Pucca Bento for Elaine's lunch. Never thought it would be easy to make Pucca from rice, just mould 3 rice ( 1 for the head and 2 for the hair ) and cover it with nori. :)

Inside the box: rice, sweet and sour pork with vegetables, cauliflower, carrot, broccoli.


  1. She looks very happy with her bento. Pucca is cute! Carrot flowers are so vibrant in the box :)

  2. @Lia: Yes, she really likes it. Thank you, Lia.

  3. Kawaii...bentonya lucu, anaknya juga lucu mbak ^^ semangat banget makannya :)

  4. Awww, Pucca is sooo cute, I always love her :D. Btw mbak, kalo si El didandanin kayak Pucca kayaknya bakal lucuuuu and kiuut bgt deh :D

  5. @ Syl: thank you, Syl..kamu udah sembuh blm? si el makannya lama nih..kadang suka ga sabar..tengah2 makan terus minta disuapin..kpn tuh anak bs makan sendiri..hehe..

  6. @ Tata: iya, lucu ya, Ta..apalg pas ngejar cowonya..xixixi.. nanti dicoba deh, si el didandanin ala Pucca..rambutnya msh kurang panjang, semoga disuruh potong rambut ama papanya. :)
