March 31, 2011

Bunny Which Eats Sate Lilit

Actually today i don't have any plan to make bento because i want to try new recipe again which is called 'Sate Lilit'. Sate Lilit is a food from Bali, it is made from boneless snapper fillet and use lemongrass as a skewer. The method to cook Sate Lilit is by grill it over the charcoal until golden brown, because i don't have any charcoal griller so i grilled it using aluminum stove griller which was bought in daiso.

While i'm waiting for the Sate cooked through, i decided to prepared lunch for Elaine. It's just a simple lunch and i put 'Sate Lilit' in her menu today and she likes it. :)

Inside the box: rice, sate lilit, sausage, boiled spinach, carrot.


  1. Dari dulu aku penasaran makan yang namanya sate lilit... gak keturutan sampai sekarang hiks. The bunny is really cute btw :D

  2. @ Tata: sebenernya rasanya mirip otak2, cuman yg ini ga pake tapioka dan ga dibungkus daun pisang. Hrsnya sih pake kelapa parut, tp bhubung ga ada, jd ga pake deh :)

    Thank you, Ta!

  3. Gak pernah coba sate lilit walaupun udah sering liat di blog2 Indo...Kalo rasanya mirip otak2 aku pasti suka :D)!!

  4. @ Cooking Gallery: itu dia nih..hrsnya kan pake kelapa parut, tp lupa beli, jd ga ditambahin, jadi sebenernya rasanya blm bener..xixixi.. tapi menurut saya sih udah enak, soalnya pake santen juga. :)

  5. The sate lilit look so yummy, and so does the bunny bento :)

  6. @ Kids Dream Work: Thanks for the compliment, Ai Ping!
